
People involved

Enric Aramburu - Idiada UPSCALE Technical Coordinator and involved in CFD activities (WP1, 2 and 4)

Product manager involved in the field of aerodynamics and CFD simulation for 20 years. Mechanical Engineering degree with a Master degree in numerical methods applied to engineering.

Cristian Jimenez - Idiada UPSCALE involved in Crash activities (WP1, 2 and 5)

Senior project manager with 18 years experience as CAE engineer. Mechaninal engineer degree with an Executive MBA.

Monica Pla - Idiada UPSCALE involved in Crash activities (WP1, 2 and 5)

Since 2008 involved in project management and administration of several projects within the FP6 and FP7 and IDIADA’s internal projects. Industrial engineer degree with a Master degree in Industrial engineering and a MSc in management of technology.

Albert Rodriguez de Liébana - Idiada UPSCALE Supporting Management and administration activities

More than 5 years experience in design and modelling. Technical Engineering degree.

Babis Tsimis - Idiada Project leader

Teen years experience as CAE engineer in several companies across UK, France and Spain. Backgroun in physics and aerospace with a PhD in Hypersonic Aerodynamics from Imperial College of London.

Bhanu Prakash - Idiada UPSCALE involved in CFD activities

PhD student in Computational Aerodynamics. Major research work topics include Vortex methods based CFD, Active Flow Control techniques and actuators.

Eysteinn Helgason - Volvo Personvagnar AB UPSCALE WP Leader WP4, involved in WP1, 2 and 4

Teen years experience in CFD simulations related to automotive industry. Mechanical engineering degree and holds a PhD.

Erik Sällström - Volvo Personvagnar AB UPSCALE Involved in WP1, 2 and 4

Leads Volvo cars’ development in the aerodynamics field. Holds a PhD in aerospace engineering from University of Florida, USA.

Henry Bensler - Volkswagen AG Involved in UPSCALE CFD and Crash activities

Head of CAE methods group at Volkswagen Group Research.  Twenty years experince in industrial CFD and more than fiveteen years experience in other CAE disciplines. He has been involved in may EU projects.

Carsten Othmer - Volkswagen AG Involved in UPSCALE CFD WPs (1, 2, 4)

Senior researcher in CAE methods group of Volkswagen Group Research. Responsible for the development and implementation of CFD optimization methodologies. On a recent 2-years secondment to Stanford University, he investigates Reduced Order Models for car aerodynamics.

Michael Andres - Volkswagen AG UPSCALE involved in Crash activities WPs (1, 3, 5) - WP5 leader

Researcher in CAE methods group of Volkswagen Group Research. His PhD dealt with the development of a new method for solving frictional contact problems in mechanics.

Luca Miretti - Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA UPSCALE WP2 leader, involved in CFD activities

Degree in aerospace engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. At CRF he is focused on aerodynamics product innovation and development of new methodologies. Involved in CFD analysis of vehicles.

Stefano Menegazzi - Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA Involved in crashworthiness in EVs WPs

Degree in mechatronics engineering from the University of Trento. Almost teen years experince working in CRF. In the last five years has managed several EU funded projects withing 7 framework program, H2020 and Eureka.

Antonello Saraniti - Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA UPSCALE contact person for administration

Alessandra Bugaudi - Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA European proposals and Contracts

David Storer - Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA Collaborative Research Coordinator

Over 12 years experience in Vehicle NVH plus 15 years in EU Project Management. First-class honours degree and PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

Fouad el Khaldi - ESI Group France

General manager responsable for the Strategy and Innovation at ESI Group. Thert five years experience in the field of CAE. Member of the board of Systematic- France. Board member of the European HPC innovation cluster.

Jean-Cristophe - ESI Group France

Mechanical engineering degree. Since 2015 works in product management and product marketing for crash application and simulation data management.

Eugene de Villiers - ENGYS LTD UPSCALE WP1 Leader, involved in WP2 and WP4

Managing director and co-founder of ENGYS. He holds an MSc in Mechanical engineering and a PhD  in Mechanical engineering from Imperial College of London.

Werner Leitgeb - Virtual Vehicle Competence Center (ViF) Involved in the battery modelling and simulation, WP1 and WP5)

Lead researcher in the of battery and occupant crash safety. Degree in Mechanical engineering and economics.

Stefan Kirschbichler - Virtual Vehicle Competence Center (ViF) Involved in the battery modelling and simulation, WP1 and WP5)

Working in the field of biomechanics, accident research and integrated safety. Degree in Mechanical engineering and economics.

Christoph Breitfuss - Virtual Vehicle Competence Center (ViF) Involved in the battery modelling and simulation, WP1 and WP5)

Works as lead researcher in the field of battery crash safety with more than 8 years experience in the field. Degree in Mechanical engineering.

Joris Jaguemont - The Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Center - (Vrije Universitiet Brussel) Bettery design, parametrization and testing.

Postdoctoral fellow at ETEC dept. and MOBI research center at VUB. Master degree in electrochemistry and holds a PhD.

Yousef Firouz - The Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Center - (Vrije Universitiet Brussel) Bettery design, parametrization and testing.

Carries out research in linear and nonlinear systems identification, characterization and modelling of batteries. He has a MsC in electrical engyneering and currently working towards the PhD in the field of electrical vehicle.

Francisco Chinesta - École nationale supérieure d’arts et metiers (ENSAM) Involved in WP1, WP2, WP3, WP5,

Professor of computational physics at ENSAM Paris Tech, at PIMM research laboratory, during 2008 to 2012 he was AIRBUS chair profesor. President of ESI scientific comittee of its scientific department, associated member of the INNFM (Wales University), associated profesor of the Polythecnic University of Madrid.

Patrick Bangert - Algorithmica Technologies GMBH Machine Learning Expert (WP1 & 2)

Owner and CEO of Algorithmica. He has been a researcher at NASA, Los Alamos National Lab and profesor for applied mathematics in Germany. He is registered as expert for the EC under FP7 and H2020.

Randolph Sternberg - Algorithmica Technologies GMBH Involved in WP1 & WP2

More than 10 years of sales & marketing / project experience in industrial and healthcare IT / machine learning. He holds a master’s degree in business administration.

Cristina Nappi - FI Group Involved in WP7

Teresa Marina - FI Group Involved in WP7